background image of a sakura tree with 2 birds on a branch

Featured Projects (Outdated)


Extensively redesigned the Piazza desktop website with a team of 5 using current HCI techniques.

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Best Hats UC

Implemented a made-up ecommerce website for a class using AJAX and RESTful APIs. (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Java)

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Sleep Tracker Mobile App

Implemented a working localhost sleep tracker app using Ionic. (Ionic, HTML, SCSS, TS)

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Spotify Browser in Angular

Implemented a working localhost website that leverages the use of AJAX and the Spotify API. (Angular, HTML, CSS, TS)

Purpose: Learn API protocols. (Not the most aesthetic looking).

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Featured Graphic Designs

INF 161 Logo Design

Designed a logo for a class called, "Social Analysis of Computing" (Informatics 161).

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INF 161 Infographic

Designed an Infographic based on the 8 salient features of an infrastructure.

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INF 161 Poster

Designed a poster for our student film festival for Informatics 161.

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Cryptohacker Back of Box

Designed a 'Back of Box' marketing poster for a card game that my teammates and I originally made for a class.

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Farvel Brochure

Designed a marketing brochure for the computer game that my teammates and I made for a class.

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